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SMASK: A Smart Mask for Amid/Post-COVID
Fall 2020
Selected Project
Meng Huang, Xun Liu

SMASK: A Smart Mask for Amid/Post-COVID


Due to the critical situation of COVID-19, a smart mask—called SMASK—was designed that lowers a face shield over the wearer’s face whenever someone is detected within six feet.

Program Development

Integral to the project was the premise of crowd sourcing, which involved designing and making open source both the online user interface and the wearable device. The mask can be customized and assembled by anyone, and used both in COVID and post-COVID times.

Consumers can select specific use cases based on their needs. Depending on their data privacy needs, they can select their preferences in sharing data. Users can also measure their head to produce a better fitting head ring. The information provided by the customer will allow for personalized feedback and help selecting which face shield to use.

The mask autonomously functions at the individual, surrounding, and regional levels. Through informal data collection and processing, it studies emerging social patterns and its (and users’) interactions with the built environment under certain spatial restrictions. In this way, citizens themselves become sensors of the city and are able to report and potentially solve emerging problems.

Author and Image Credit

Meng Huang and Xun Liu.


Ehsan Baharlou